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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Stars jisawed the sky.
When to had steamboat with friends then played dota and i screwed it up.Didn't played well enough.Then went to meet her and then i went home.I had nothing much to do.In another four hours i need to get ready and go to school again to complete what i had left undone.Thinked later there will be alot of work to be done.This will make a tiring day again.
His eyes had only visions of mircales.
His heart was filled with stars that gilltered brightly.
Thinked i m gonna sleep now.
Good night to my friends.
Good night to my gan mei s.
Good night to my 'sisters'.
Godd night to my real brothers.
Good afternoon to my real sister.
Good Night To MeowMeow!

~ { 3:25 AM }

Friday, March 30, 2007
There's always spaces around you.
Today when to school in the morning and was late for the time i had arranged.I went back to help out on some decorations.I was tired.Came back home in the noon trying to get some sleep now.
His mind went into thoughts of the deep ocean.Somethings he wasn't sure about some things.He felt the spaces of air around him from time to time.Everytime he thought about it, he was scared.It's like standing at the edge of the world with trembling legs looking down.Sometimes mircales happen to prevent him from taking a step forth.However he dosen't really quite like the feeling of it.Freeing his mind from these thoughts, was making him hell.
In the evening i will go eat steambout with friends and then don't really know what to do already.NOW I JUST WANNA GET A VERY LONG SLEEP!

~ { 1:08 AM }

Thursday, March 29, 2007
A thousand years it is.
Exhausted is the only word then came into my mind.I had to work early in the morning till late noon.For now waking up early in the morning seem tired but perhaps in the future it maybe a routine in my life.I had to endure at all cost for i must train to be stronger.[For Ns].I looked upon myself as a grown up boy who had determination in every sports he played or in every commiment i had done.I maybe tired but neither should i not neglect my friends around me.Now my body has become into a three hours sleep per night system.
He spoke the words and sworn to the sky above that he shall wait a thousand years as long as the gods may prolong his life and his loved one.Destiny nor fate may roam the world taking out lifes but it could take his for he had the god's will.He was bestowed with angel's wing and Spartan's power.He shall live his life fearlessly and takes upon any challenge he came across with.
Night to the fallen ones for the moon may bless you with its eternal light.The path ahead may brighten by a little.One thing for sure is that it will never fade away if one believe that that's the right path for them to move on.

~ { 1:27 AM }

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Fly daringly...
He pinned hopes on mircales wishing that something strange may happen to him.Perhaps a devil being bestowed upon him ,perhaps an angel being bestowed upon him,perhaps both.He thought of the strength he would attain.Neither should he feel pain nor worries in his mind.Being free of all creations he left the world he lived once.Trying to seek a new place to blend into.He found a place where it had red walls surrounding him.He glanced across the place and saw two life-form.He spoke to them and asked,'Do you think that what i had done was right?'They thought for a moment and started to speaked.'We thinked.... 'and they kept in silence.
In the afternoon, i met wk and we went to buy his lip's ring.After that we went to find jy and his friends then we played pool together at cine.We had fun.Then evening i went to smb to buy some dvds and meet zq .I followed him for awhile and went home after.Iwas exhausted and tired.These few days i didn't had much sleep.Night sky was the only place that i could think of everything.
I had to go to work tommrow morning and maybe i won't have the energy to blog.
And night to her and my friends.

~ { 1:31 AM }

Monday, March 26, 2007
I was supposed to go to work today however i did not.I was too tired to move,so i told my mum that i will go tommrow.Then after my father called me,it was noon.He asked me to have lunch with him.So he brounght me out to eat.Then now i am bored.
EVERYTHING THAT WAS DIMINISHED IN A NIGHT OR TWO.Neither one should be blamed nor fault to.
Going out to play pool now.

~ { 1:58 PM }

Spaces Between..
His head was in pain but none knew.He kept in silence.For once in his lifetime,he felt this strong sense of foreboding.He trembled day and night thinking.He thought long enough before he died out.Never like before he worn out and fell upon his knee.Heavily his head fell upon the ground and his eyes focusing on one starz.It shone amazing bright that it blinded his vision.He was lost and confused about the things around him.He dosen't know what to do next.He laid helplessly on the ground.There was nothing much he could do.He steped into a white dimension,a world he was unknown to.His heart began to ache.It felt like a million bullets passing throught it.The colours of red blended the surronding.The last sight he could ever wish for.
Why can't it be?

~ { 1:21 AM }

Sunday, March 25, 2007
To seek something i yearn for...
This month spent qutie alot of money for drinkin eating and part of it was on somking.Next week,i got to go to my father's factory to help out already.He doesn't want me to stay at home and sleep and goes out in the night spending money here and there.
Today i went to watch haunted school.the show little bit boring la.Then now everyone at my house watch soccer.
The end

~ { 1:52 AM }

Friday, March 23, 2007
A wishing star.
Perhaps nothing was wrong, maybe i was thinking too much lately.Perhaps due to the amount of somking i had taken.Wanted to get a hangover in the morning however my friends didn't want to drink much so we went home instead.There was still some left. Now cant get to sleep waiting for zq to play dota again.Every night seem uniform.It made my life a little bored.Yesterday didn't sleep well.I laid on my bed at four and i couldn't sleep.Pondering over somethings which had happened lately in my mind.Till 7 my mum came and pass me some cash to get my guitar.I stared at the celing all day till 11 plus.Then i went out.
Drinking and somking may not solve something but sometimes it tends to make you forget what you are doing and all your problems away.It's like the mind blowing across the world taking any sound created away with it.
Night to all my friends and 'her' and "her" and ^her^.

~ { 3:04 AM }

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Thinking and thinking...[sadded]
A distance then grew wider each day.Everything seem so quiet.I blew my mind in silence.I scream when no one hears me.The feeling wasn't right.Everything seem so wrong.You weren't as before.My eyes couldn't even wink in a night to see your face.No one hears my voice.
Though there were still some communication between us,i felt alone.However it been a long time since i met my outside 'broz'.Maybe after sun jamming i will go and find him.As for the rest maybe in the night.I maybe be overdoing it for it has blown my mind away.From time to time we may lose touch but perhaps mircale do the biddings.I live my life for some reasons.I live my life trying not to leave any regret behind the footsteps i ever walked.I live till today for i am who i am.I live my life for as daring i may be. I shall walk straight even there is a turning point of what i should be have become.I shall walked my life like a daredevil.Imay have friends,new or old but there something i can never change.My destiny.Somehting that wasn't like before sometimes never change.It may leave a mark behind but one will have the power to undo if they are willing to scarfice.Every thing that one ask for always has a price to pay.The bigger it is the higher the price.None speaks in a name of a spartan neither do a daredevil.
[sorry for not being so perfect and i suck]Nethier one should leave much comment bout it.

~ { 11:45 AM }

Spartan lives in me....
These days live wasn't that good.Though the stars above ssaw me through,they could only hold their positions and show me the road ahead.Their light resembles the something i dare not speak of.I was worried in the dark.Coldness filled my body.Sometimes the reactions of the stars were just a heart of concern.Neither one should reject for he/she may need it's help someday.We may be far apart from one another but believe in miricale for it may happen one day.
Yesterday, I went to have a check-up for my NS. There were quite a number of people.It was tiring i arrived ther in the morning and went home in the noon.There were exam and it rally suck a little.I had not read a single book for the past months and suddenly they give exam.I finished it and went home.Night I went to meet jy rusdi zq.We spent the night playing games and talking.Around 12 plus i went home and play games.Then slpet till eleven.As i was tired i continue to sleep till 3 pm.Todays my father's birthday.I did not know it until my mother told me about it.Think i got to stay home tonight.
This means I will not be able to meet 'you' tonight.The stars may not be with the moon for the night sky had taken it all.The earth may part with the water for the sun had drank it all.It may resemble a heart for love had captured it away.One should understands if everything was meant to be.

~ { 1:28 AM }

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Alone or not alone?
On thurs had bbq for a night at east coast we celebrated ber and timz bdae.Had lots of fun and laughter.Thought there was a promise made not to smoke but i did it.It was something bad for my health.I decided not to take it from this week on.My NS check-up is next week, hope it dosen't affect much if i train now.
Hanged out with jy,His broz[shin],wk last night had lots of fun.We went to eat at cosmaid cafe I think.The food there was quite nice thought it was exp.They came to my house and Now they are sleeping in my bedroom.I was playing game the whole night.
Tommrow donno where to go i mean today.HAPPY BIRTHDAY bernade!
My soul was trap within the heart.It came out in blood.The sight of it took my eyes off.The thought of it had me thinking of you every moment.Only time that spells how much i miss you.[.For whoever they think it is.]
I missed my sis .She been gone for about more than a month.She coming back on the 28 next month.And she should get me something nice cause i said i miss her ...haha...
Thinked i got to rest now.

~ { 6:06 AM }

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Beyond wings that could fly......
Somethings that were mean to be and somethings weren't.In the world,there is only three type of person.Firstly,its when a person is good to you and they stand by you every moment of your life whenever you have a problem.They will care and concern for you no matter what state you are in.Secondly,its when a person treats you too good.Whenever that happens ,something isn't that right.These people tend to 'busted' you and maybe had already done something wrong which gets you involed in and you do not know about it. Thirdly,its when a person that is very close to you betrays you.these people suck for life.
The little boy that fell upon his knee and stared straight.Right before his eyes stood something which he could never have imagined.His memories flashed across his mind in a blink of an eye.He was helplessly stunned.He knew that if he moves a step out,something might happen to him.Just then he was blinded by a white light .........
[To be continued]
If only every question asked will have a reply fast.Life of a loney star shone the dark night with its glowing power.Though it maybe a small area but its enough for one to walk through the dark.If only guardian angels of the stars would will me their power once again.

~ { 3:00 AM }

Monday, March 12, 2007
It's always the same.....Isn't it?
These few days didn't really have anytime to post.Had been playing games with james and zq for very long hours.It maybe long for time but somethings that had created a mark behind each moment will never be forgotten.The little boy that once entered the euphoric world fell into a world where he had all the possible fiasco thought running throught his mind.He felt loney at times and was scared to take another step.His shattered heart,mind and soul made him felt lost. All he hopes is to end it all with no regrets and no war.It maybe his fault but some things weren't exactly the way some people thinked.Life wasn't that good for now.For now he plays games to kill time and trys forget all the problem he had.the little boy fell upon right before he could reach the light that was glowing peripherally in shape of a star. He dreams of the unexpected and the impossibles.He laid down surrounded by darkness and shed his tears quietly.

~ { 3:52 PM }

Thursday, March 08, 2007
The ending journey...
Went on a genting trip for the past three day.There were nine of us.We spent much money on eating and playing.Had quite a lot of fun.Had also benn thinking about some things.My life sux in one way or another.When there is no problem ,everything looks so peacfully werid.When ever problems came ,it came in bundle.Didn't expected so much things had happened.Things may looks simple on the outside but it much more complex than what u may thinked.[Shit always do happen!]If things still remains like now i think it's time to end it.My head hurts everytime i thinked about it.It's just too 'FAN'!
The thought of you kept my heart palpitated in flames.A fall that never end till you feel the needle pricking through every veins that grew inside you.
An answer to blind everything in absolute darkness.
The light that once shone within my vision dimed.
With the eternal wish of a star.......

~ { 7:27 AM }