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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
SoMedaY...it may or may not
It was laughter during the english lesson today....though everone was tired, we still listened and try to pay attention to mrs loy....After sch we wnent home straight...play a few round of games and went to take a nap.. i was tired ..my eyes could not a thing as darkness shadowed my vision... and before i knew it i was alseep...my father woke me up for dinner... and then i realised it was eight pm...had a long nap ...then talk to timz n ber on the phone .....and night came.. i'm now helping my sis with her project[acted a sale man,a baby(girl) ,and an elderly}..wazazaza..
=Had some pipe dreams about u these few days .... pictures of u kept flashing in my mind ...trying hard to let it fade away.. but it was futile .. no matter what it came back eventually but as said my love was for the nature.... hope u were there someday-sometimes-somewhere=
*missed u *...nitez

nitez everyone... chow

~ { 11:59 PM }

life without ...
todae had qutie a fun day after sch we went to mos in the evening.. it was kinda bored there...we perspiring through since we reached ther...but it fun ...juz got home... tommrow a boring ... after phy then having some picnic during eng lesson ... days to come...
= i'll treat u as a sister that i once known for...so its juz words of description ..sort of...my love was meant for the nature ... so i'm juz trying to let u stay in a small corner of my heart that i'l never forget ya....take care...=
*missed u*... nitez
nitez everyone...n ...wazazaza

~ { 2:39 AM }

Monday, May 29, 2006
days of madness
Today had MT o lvl exam .... i think that i m gonna retake it ... the compo was kinda hard ......didn't know wat i was writing about.. it end in the afternoon...then jon sam fb yf kim n lr came to my house we played soccer in the ps2 .. we opened a leauge and start to play with one another .. sam was undefeatable when lr show him some colours.. it was funny n sam i f u're reading ... u still have a match with mi ..hahaha....after that we played on the small field near my house with my bro 'frenz... it was a funny game....n a tiring wan...
= watching u smile is enough to content my heart...hope u did well in ur MT exams ya... n thks for accepting my present too... =
*missed u*.....nitez
nitez everyone

~ { 8:09 AM }

Saturday, May 27, 2006
Planned to give her a present in the night however she was tired.. but its fine i will give her in the morning then...had a long day watch x men 3 with jon sam fb yf n cer...the movie was fantastic...headed home after...it was so tiring ... carried 'it' for the whole day in the end i brought it back with mi .... haiz
= if u haapen to see this ...i will deiver ur present around 11 ya ...hope u like it ....happy birthday...=
*missed u*....nite

~ { 12:55 PM }

Friday, May 26, 2006
tHe dAy aFter tommrow
Today was quite boring.. nthing happen much juz normal dayz...headed home after sch and meet fb... we went bishan to get some things..after we ate and went home... i was bored as the time passed...then came upon thinking of her...
=The tiredness filled ur mind, it was the thing that causes ur head to ache. Try and get some sleep,it may help u know...Exams maybe important but ur health is more mportant ,so take care ya.=
*missed u*..nitez
...rest well ya...

-insanitycontinues to grow rapidly in my mind-

~ { 11:45 PM }

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Today had nthing much ... like always in sch playing soccer..but todae was so called the gd weather day ... had fun evrything was juz normal...had tution and now i m home what a day .. at the tution,i laughed untill my stomach felt veri pain ... the teacher was juz so lame and i do not undersand what was she teachiing .. it was like stories n more stories... going to the path wher insanity awaits me...
=all the perfect words were meant for u .. u're juz the one ...i shall not forget u no matter where i am in the future...=
*missed u*...nitez
chow everyone...nitez

~ { 9:34 PM }

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
a never ending one i hope to have
Started this day with insanity... but there would always be one worse then me.... its Mr cool guy[hakim]...had quite a bad day i juz do not like it.....ms wong is always trying to be funny... everything is always to the vice principle.. wads this ... its kinda annoying.. but things went for the better until i saw 'her'....however i still do not understand y am i scare to talk to her in front of people whom i known for... perhaps i was juz that weak....nvm... ah gua s are like this but has the pride in them n they shall walk tall ..... *-*"...
= Your smiles made my life brighten up ....u're juz [an angel] that shall live in my life ... an angel of kindness,warmness and smthing which i do not know how to express it [smthing gd]...i will be ther for u only ..no one is able to change take my heart away that was meant for u..=
...*missed u*take care...
nitez everyone... chow

~ { 10:17 PM }

Monday, May 22, 2006
frM tOdAe...
Today had a boring day in sch again...however we were playing soccer once again... and it was tiring ... its been long since we played....scored a beautiful goal ... that was after sch ...came to think about 'it'... everything flashed through my mind... tried forgetting but it was futile.. but once again insanity had rescued me...
"To me sleep is a confusing, narcotic that only quiets the beating heart. All my love seems to flow from my body like a heart felt memory. I keep my love for you to myself." [To express my feeling ....a part of x japan song]
= u're almost everything that i could think of....beauties of words that were meant for u ... never ending time in the world were meant for you....greatest possibilities of the impossibles shall awaits you .....=
*missed u*...nitez
everyone nitez ....chow

~ { 12:57 AM }

Sunday, May 21, 2006
itS neAr
these few days i was rather busy...hardly had a time to rest ... didnt had enough slpz too...had chinese tution throughout the week .. it was tiring....trying to cope with my chinese....however had great times hanging out with frenz in the night ... it had been long since i stayed out ... yesterday watched a movie and stayed at li rong house until morning ... today tution ended at 8 then went home....bored
=Watching u in a distance was just enough to make me happy..., u're maybe juz the last girl i ever wanna know....Hope u will .....=
*missed u gd nitez*
seeya everybody...nitez

~ { 10:16 PM }

Thursday, May 18, 2006
a rose blooming in the desert
Came to sch to see.... results of dissapointment... its a boring day .. tommrow shall be worse...had CIP after sch ..then wanted to catch a movie but didnt went to watch it in the end... due to a 'flying pig'[fei tian zhu]... haiz boredness n boredness n more boredness what a day i had.....
My mind kept thinking of her... pictures of her flashed in my mind every moment... juz had to sit n see her in a distance .... trying to forget all the sadness which made my mind go nuts...
The lights have gone out on the stage, staring lonely, embraced by the days that have gone past. Destroying everything, including our sacred love, until it vanishes in the sands of time. You say anything, whatever you'd like to say to me....a part of a x japan song to express everything before eye....
= U're juz a wonderful girl ... knowing u , changed my life..... juz wanna say enjoy every moment of ur life ya .. take care...=
*gd nitez*
+good day everybody nitez-

~ { 10:23 PM }

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
mIserAbLe dAys fILleD mY liFe
Finally its over...however my tutions still goes on ...today i had one which created my black face ... it totally sucks... the group of pupils in my tution centre donno what the hell they doing.... i doubt that they are sec 4 exp pp..... the sight of them brings the devil in me out....no respect for the teacher ... i 'cao cao' also sit there listen n they at the back 'kae kae kio''kae kae kio' ....feel like slapping their face... all of them think they 'xia lan' but i'm sure that i have the quality to be 'XL' enough... i seriously think that they don even have the quality copmared to mine ...so f*** up sia..haiz.... tommrow if they try to be funny again they sure gonna get smthing frm mi....a 'welcome gift'...not smthing 'violent' i hope so......
= Hope that my coming gift to you is a special one ...... ur life shall live in heavens...and ur sotry shall be seen through the eyes of heavens... ya thats all ..take care....=
*missed u*
take care everyone i known as frenz
...gd nitez...

~ { 9:37 AM }

Monday, May 15, 2006
tHe roAd tO hElL
Had a bad day today... the math paper totally sucks... its the first i think i had done it badly for.... kao......then played basketball and it totally sucks too......then headed home....went for a chinese tution at 6 to 8 at buguis when i was going to have sciece paper 1 tommrow...haiz.... i seriously think that i need a change in life...(veri :said by tim).....juz reached home and thought of the bad day i was going to have the next day....i now could see the pathway that leads to somewher i known to be ...HELL...
= Hope u're having good time now.... hope that the pathway u had was going to the heavens....full of undesirable hopes....take care ya..=
[missed u]*good night*

+i know a guy(kim).. he asked mi to write him in..so this is it...he's known to be mr cool guy .n also trying to be funny ya... anyway enjoy ya...+
-ber a broken guy i known to be...he maybe on the same pathway i had...but his persistency level has attain the highest lvl that one could reached....haiz-
~the main topic.... everything mentioned above this was just a lie i had to make,in order for one smile~
........good night ya everbody........

~ { 10:13 PM }

Sunday, May 14, 2006
FadIng aWay
The boring life has arrived once again as i woke up from my fragile dream i had in the night.... went tution then tution again , actually there was another one but i didn't go due to the math exam i was going to have tommrow... time pass as night came ....
for almost the whole day i was thinking of her ...but things weren't meant to be....
...............a glowing starz upon my darkness is fading away .....no matter how i ran after it .. it could never be reached....i kept asking myself if i have done the right thing to chase after the starz....a devil's shadow appeared and said it was..... after hearing, the devil's voice was echoding in my mind.... i suffered in confusion and insanity...
that for today ... night ..... chow

~ { 10:44 PM }

Saturday, May 13, 2006
for ysterdae
Morning had tution as usual it was a tiring day again....i went home after tution and slpet for three long hours...evening had a family dinner with my realitives....so my cousin's baby...this made me a uncle .... haha....his name is daerious ... i think i spelled wrongly but nvm its alright... ya headed home again played with my broz the playstation had a few game when i got a cal...
= Ur life now may be tough but no matter what it takes i 'll be there for u (missed u) ... try and have a good sleep it may help.... sometimes after sleepinig everything u once known as 'troubles' will all be gone(a piece of advice) ...take care ya...=
*One may not be there but no matter what i'll always be out there*

~ { 1:30 PM }

a LiFetImE Is eNouGh
It's friday, ber and frenz came to my house to enjoy....it was chaotic(how bout that)...we watched a movie which was named after numbers...it was like+999_9999+.... kinda cool show to watch its in thai ...time flew by like a blink in the eye...evening came .. we had dinner and they went home.. it was only joy and laughter that filled my house....night i went to eat with jy lr fb... after we ate ,we went to pierce reservoir... we took a side walk in however it was seconds later when we came out... the path we took was dark and nothing could be seen in our way... later sembawang park was a destination we had in mind, but due to the tution i was going to have the next day we headed home... it was an adventures night..
= Knowing u in a lifetime is a blessing for me... you are simply a girl that my heart would yearn for long(missed u).....thanks for letting me know that you are appreciated.... feeling down is just an emotion that comes and go in life(to the contrary of friendship)...Anyway you are not neglected as there's always someone watching you in a distance or above you(it maybe me)..you just need to feel it(a feeling of concern)....Take care ya and be a girl that i known for...=
*time was meant for you*
*it maybe long but no matter how long i'll wait*

~ { 12:30 AM }

Thursday, May 11, 2006
tHerE aRe tImeS
I had a terrible examination today.....POA=the worst of the worst....during the exams, i had a good sleep ... dream of impossibilties...it was terrifying...however i thought again , i was playing everyday after having my examinations....but on the other hand i had a great time ...it was quite sometime that my class boys played together in a big group...about the POA exam that i had taken...most of my classmates had a good time sleeping...today we played again, it was so tiring ...before i knew it , the evenings arrived as it covered the sky with patches of dark cotton wool blocking the sunlight as the sun sets....home was the destination i had in mind... soon i was home...
=Your heart may cry , tears may flood your eyes... but there's always something to prevent it from happening...you just need to find that cure that may heal the wound that was inflicted on you(be strong)..No matter what happens, someone is out there willing to share your sufferings(it may not be me... how sad)......don't be daunted by the pain....anyway you got to take care of yourself ya(concerned)...any probs that i may be able to help just call mi(hope so)... i will be willing to lend u my hand ya... =
*The fragile dream was broken into pieces...it once controled me somehow*
*My heart will bleed as long as it lives,my love was for the nature as it wasn't meant for anyone*
*=(except for one i known to be)=*
its getting late...nitez(missing u)...chow...

~ { 10:38 PM }

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
mAybE tHerE Is
Had physic paper today.... i think it's gonna fail again...i was tired this morning,tried not to sleep during exams... its was a difficult thing to do....however things are meant to be difficult in this world that we live in....had a game of bb with frenz n 'gays' ... then i went home n had a tution(24/7) ... after tat slpt for 2 hrs n started to study for chemistry....this midyr is the first time iu studied for ss,geo,poa,maybe sci seriously before taking the exams ....however i knew i was gonna fail quite badly... anyway gonnaa have a two half hour of sleep for tommrow's exam its poa... i once had a vision of mental disorder to my brain a month ago... now its reacting painfully ... before the o i think there will be a internal bleeding to my brain due to the excessive of tution n many more other things...juz tired
= Actually its was an illusion of my life(comfort myself) ...Didnt expect things went to the contrary i had in mind(how sad)...Frenz may not be an exact term perhaps a bro instead(sis would be great)...Glad knowing u(frenz)...Once i had 'ur' care n concern it was wonderful days i known to be(missed u for a sec or two)...Anyway 'u' got to rest well ya(concerned),so as to recover faster...Probs may filled 'ur' mind but don let it control 'ur' life ya(a piece of advice)...=
- Yesterday worte with a bleeding heart N an eye filled with tears, it happened silently-
*i will always be somewher in the dark looking for 'u'*
*gd luck for tommrow ya*
*missed u*
...nitez... chow...

~ { 11:53 PM }

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
maYbe iTs tImE
today wasn't a gd dae woke up feeling down......the feeling is juz SUCKS !!! had exams which made me realise that this mid yrs is gonna flung......had oral after ....same teacher again...sianz sia... went to eat with frenz n went home .....then things started to get bored till i slpt for about 2 hours....n i studied n stuied n stuied.... kinda giving mi invulnerable pain within my head... juz didnt feel gd today....bored by tutions n all things happening around mi!!!Had a plan to go oversea n study....maybe after o go for a early ns then start my seven yrs of architect edcation...smthing tat i like to do .. but now everything tat i'm doing now is juz wasting my time n all of it is not to my liking!!!
=Maybe i was wrong... Maybe u had someone already[which i had guessed].... Maybe we're not meant to be together[fate perhaps].... But its alright ....One day my heart for u may fade away[one day] ...N shouldn't have done lots of things tat had created so called 'disturbance' in ur life[felt kind a bad]... Anyway realli like u but no matter wat its impossible already[missed u] ... Maybe things are meant to be like tat forever...[Hope u had a change in mind](impposible thing) ...And one more thing maybe u still wanna treat mi as ur bro instead [maybe sis would be a perfect term to use] ya tats all i 'vr gotta say ya...=
*Missing u any moment in my life*
*Maybe its time to go, you know*
Done... cya... *take care*

~ { 12:35 PM }

Monday, May 08, 2006
tHe dAy whEn u rEaLise eVerythIng gOes wRonG
Today was kinda fun.... Had two paper and it sucks ... Exams usually takes time away frm some so called the 'precious' times. Schs shouldn't waste these timez away.After all its up to us to study.We had a bb game to relax after the exams . After that like ususal , i went tution ...Kinda bored there...then went home and did nothing . Now night arrived , starz flooded the sky ....I saw a panoramic view ....The feeling was indecribe ....
= Then i thought of 'her'... Once again i missed 'her' badly...'She' replied that the 'light' that was glowing in my heart was not 'her'.....However the 'light' maybe dim* ....On the other hand the 'light' is dim* enough to brighten the heart which bleeds within mi=[There's always endless rain showering upon 'you' ...There might be a sheltar to prevent 'u' from getting drenched....Heard 'u' are down with slight fever...Don't be too strees out...Got to rest more often ya...!!!Hope u get well soon!!! ....
Anyway this is it ....Good Day Today ...Cya...chow...

~ { 11:54 PM }

Sunday, May 07, 2006
thIs dAy
Today ber and timz came to my house ..... We studied Geo till the "PHD" activated....We had fun n joy... But there's one thing in my mind that was persecuting me.... Memories of 'her' flooded my mind ... The feeling is just there....'She' was there but no matter what i do its just impossible...'She'was like a glowing light to me ... A light that might be blown out anytime...'She' seem to be so near yet so far.. the 'light' made me a never ending run.....
!!!Hoping she would understand!!!
======Missing 'her' every moment 'cum' seocnds======
.....This should be it.... gtg....chow.....

~ { 9:45 PM }